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外出旅游(Go Out To Travel)

时间:2014-02-14 10:58来源:乐学堂点击:字体:[ ]

  i went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. they are beijing, dalian and huhehot. i went to beijing more than eight times. beijing is the capital of china. it’s a big city. i am very familiar with beijing. it takes an hour and forty minutes from nantong to beijing by plane. there are many tall buildings in beijing. it’s a modern city. my family visited the great wall, the summer palace, the palace museum, the beihai park, the space museum, etc.

  i went to the countryside of beijing to go boating and fishing. it was very interesting. i went shopping in wangfujing. i bought lots of souvenirs and other things. i like eating beijing snacks. they are delicious. don’t miss beijing duck. it is really nice. dalian is a beautiful city. dalian is close to beijing. i spent 5o minutes on the plane. dalian is near the sea. i smelled the salt in the air. the roads are clean. there are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. there are many esplanades and japanese buildings. there are some fountains in one of the esplanades. some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. we went to see the beach and the sea. the sea is blue. there were many swimmers in the sea. i lay on the beach to see the sky. dalian is a very nice place to live in. huhehot is in inner mongol. there are lots of large grasslands. the grasslands are endless. the sky is bright blue. there were a lot of horses and sheep. they were running or eating grass. i rode a horse on the grassland.

  i picked some colourful flowers. we drank tea with milk. there is a small desert, it was very hot when i walked on it. the sand could sing. these trips helped me open my eyes. i enjoyed my day.


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